human puppet

The Waiting Game – Court Order

Last week, after coming out of hospital due to a suspected heart attack I was served with a court order by my wife. The order was requesting that she had residence of our daughter. This really hit me hard. As the thought of not seeing my daughter every day was heartbreaking. So like any body would do, I started phoning solicitors. Eventually I found one which offered Legal Aid, and so made an appointment. After seeing the Solicitor, things were…

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Life is shitty at the best of times – Part 5

This wonderfully kind women had an amazing patience.    This seemed to play on my mind for a few more weeks. On one hand I have a great friend; and I mean a really great friend. I have never seen this person in the flesh but I have spoken to her on the phone. We talk all the time and just seem to “click”. But on the other hand, I do find myself falling in love with her. Ultimately this…

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