human puppet

Imprisoned for caring!

Now felt like a real criminal Picture the scene… 04:10 fast asleep after taking my sleeping tablets, so sure nothing would wake me. 04:11 suddenly woken up to the sound of loud banging. Got out of bed to see what it was and was completely shocked at what I saw. Police car outside my house with their bright blue lights flashing away and two policemen at my front door. So I get some clothes on and answer the door. Policeman…

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Scott Schedule

  Yes four months. Four months since my daughter was running around our home. Four months since she was terrorising our cat. Four months since I heard the words daddy. In fact four months since I heard any words from my daughters mouth. Its been a long four months, the heartache has been and still is like nothing I could ever describe. I would never wish this on anyone, yet you hear it all the time in the news. How fathers…

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