Family Court

CAFCASS – What A Joke

oh I know, lets just mess him around, lets prolong the agony I was informed before Christmas CAFCASS would get in contact with me so we can finally sort out contact arrangements. Yet even when we were in court last week, they still have not done so. Yesterday I get a phone call from my solicitor to say that CAFCASS were never notified of our case, and therefore will need more time to sort things out. We were meant to be…

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Depression Ups and Downs

One minute you are fine, you can be laughing and joking and everyone around you thinks that nothing is wrong, then suddenly its like a Jekyll and Hyde I slept quite well through Friday night, after the doctor gave me some sleeping tablets. On Saturday I felt a lot better, more alive and managed to play with my son most of the day. We went out to an indoor play area and spent most of the day there. Saturday night,…

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