I want my life back. Please give me my life back.
Since my antidepressants dosage was increased a month ago, I have been coping really well. I still missed my wife and my daughter but my emotions never really surfaced and were kept under control. I had been able to go to work and concentrate, communicate with work colleagues, and even joke with them. Yes, the last month has gone well obviously thanks to the tablets I have been taking.
However the last couple of days, things have been changing. I find myself not sleeping as well, losing concentration at work, losing focus on what I need to do and today; well today took the biscuit! I woke up at 1am this morning and could not get back to sleep. I had these lyrics going round in my head from a song I believe have never heard before. I was singing the whole song inside my head. No matter how hard I tried to shut it off, or think of something else, it was there constantly like it was out of my control.
At first, I thought I was just making it up, but it was flowing so precisely, it must be a real song, it had to be. But by the time I got to work, I could not remember any of it. All day, I could not work, could not concentrate at all. I don’t know whether it was lack of sleep or this damn song that was now bugging the crap out of me; or even worse just me becoming immune to antidepressants.
I have no idea.
On the way home, out of nowhere, I found myself crying, and an overwhelming feeling of missing my daughter.
Where the heck had that come from?
What was happening, aren’t these antidepressants meant to stop all of this crap from happening.
I cant cope with emotional switches like this.
I want it all to stop.
I want my daughter back.
I want my life back. Please give me my life back.