Now felt like a real criminal

Picture the scene…

04:10 fast asleep after taking my sleeping tablets, so sure nothing would wake me.
04:11 suddenly woken up to the sound of loud banging. Got out of bed to see what it was and was completely shocked at what I saw. Police car outside my house with their bright blue lights flashing away and two policemen at my front door.

So I get some clothes on and answer the door. Policeman asks me my name, and then drops a bombshell ‘you have to come with as you are being arrested’. What! Why! How etc… Was running through my head. One of them replied with I needed to be questioned due to allegations of me breaking my non-molestation order.

Well now I was just in a daze and to be honest most of the day that followed became a blur.

The two policemen who came to my home were actually really friendly and very polite. They put me in the back of their car and took me to the local police station. After being “booked in” I was taken to a cell and left there. A few hours later I was then taken out of the cell and told I was being transferred to another police station 40 miles away. It was at this point I now felt like a real criminal as the new policemen gave me two options. I could either be handcuffed and sit in the middle seats of the van or not be handcuffed and sit in the cage at the back of the van.

I tried to explain I had done nothing wrong and the arresting police officers let me sit in the back of the car with no problems; however there response was – we do things differently.

About an hour later we arrived and yet again taken straight to a cell. I was left there no word on what was happening until several hours later when I was told I would now be interviewed. Apparently my wife has alleged I insisted my father should call her friend and ask how she was.

The way I interpret a non-molestation order is there was to be no harassment or violence etc.. So even if my father had indeed spoken to my estranged wife’s friend, the police log states he asked how she was.

Somehow my wife now thinks is harassment. The truth is, I never asked my father to pick up a phone and call anyone. He had indeed tried to call my estranged wife’s friend, but there was no answer.

During the interview, one of the police officers asked if I had spoken to one of my wife’s friends in an internet chat room. By this time I was thinking this whole scenario was just a complete joke. I looked straight at the police offer and said:

“Yes I have spoken to a mutual friend in an internet chat room. The chat room in question has on average over a hundred people in there at any one time. This mutual friend spoke to me first, and I answered her. If you think this is breaking my non-molestation order, then go ahead and arrest me.”

My acting solicitor’s faced changed and looked quite pale; but I was not bothered what he was thinking. These orders are there for a reason, not to be played around with by spiteful women, who think they can just call on the police when they want to.

After the interview was over, yes sent back to the cell. Where I was left for about another 5 hours until they opened the door and said:

“We are really sorry for putting you through all of this but you are free to go”

But before I go they do need to take my photograph, fingerprints and DNA sample. After 13 hours being with the police, 10 of which locked in a cold cell I was then told I had to find my own way home.

Now I am sure my wife has become a possessive obsessionist for our daughter and does not recognise anyone else has rights.